THE GENERIC WEBPRO EMAIL FORM This ASP script has been designed along the lines of Matt Wright's FormMail and will take the various NAME values as declared in your form and report that as the Item Name to you in the email that the server will send you. What the web visitor types into the response box will be recorded alongside as the value. Values must be entered for the items listed under the mandatory part of the Header Section. They are hidden, anyway, which means that they won't be displayed anywhere in the form that the visitor can see. The FMsgReplyTo is not really mandatory (the form will work without it) but then you wouldn't be able to reply to the sender by hitting your "Reply To" button on your email client when responding to any enquiry from your website. This item, of course, would probably be down in your form in the area where you are collecting visitor information. The displayed (TYPE="Text") items in the Main Section are self-explanatory. It may not look 'nice' in your email, but we recommend using underscore characters to ensure that the ASP sees the Field Names as one concatonated word. You only need to use the FMsgSendToCc Field (which is hidden, the visitor can't input to it unless you want them to) if you want to send a copy of this mail to somebody else. IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF YOUR FORM: Mandatory: (Header Section)
Optional: The Reply-To Address: This can be particulary important to some people. If you want the domain validated before delivery then use in Main Section (will be validated to ensure it has an embedded @ in the string) (the ReplyTo will be set to mail address in this value) Optional if required: (Can be in any section) (will send a second copy to specified address(es)) or (will show this as a subject header at the top of the form) Now add any other Form Fields you require: (Main Section) If you want to use Radio Buttons: (Main Section) If you want to use Checkboxes: (Main Section) Mandatory: (Footer Section)